Plenary lectures
Małgorzata Bogdan "SLOPE Adaptive Variable Selection via Convex Optimization"
Eyke Hüllermeier "Online preference learning with bandit algorithms"
Jerzy Ombach "A Short Introduction to Stochastic Optimization"
Manuel Graña "Lattice computing for Intelligent Systems"
Michał Woźniak "Data stream classifcation using classifer ensemble"
Łukasz Dębowski "Hilberg's Conjecture - a Challenge for Machine Learning"
Bernhard Geiger "Markov State Space Aggregation via the Information Bottleneck Method"
Krzysztof Dembczyński "Decision-theoretic Approach to Multi-label Classifcation"
Jacek Tabor "MDLP approach to clustering"
Igor Podolak "Hierarchical Classification of Objects"
Following papers have been accepted for Journal Track of our conference:
Incoherent Dictionary Learning For Sparse Representation In Network Anomaly Detection
Looking for the right time to shift strategy in the exploration/exploitation dilemma
Mixture of metrics optimization for machine learning problems
Modelling influence propagation in social networks
Cross entropy clustering approach to iris segmentation for biometrics purpose
Fast optimization of Multithreshold Entropy Linear Classifier
Cross entropy based image thresholding
Subspace Memory Clustering
Multilinear Filtering Based on a Hierarchical Structure of Covariance Matrices
Potential Contour Ensembles
Analysis of compounds activity concept learned by SVM using robust Jaccard based low-dimensional embedding
Feature Selection and Classification Pairwise Combinations for Highdimensional Tumour Biomedical Datasets
Effectiveness of Unsupervised Training in Deep Learning Neural Networks
Following talks have been accepted for Latebreaking track:
Active Function Cross Entropy Clustering
Maximum Entropy Random Walks - from theory to practise
Conference on
Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning (TFML 2015) will take place in Będlewo, Poland, on February 16-21, 2015.
We invite submissions of papers addressing theoretical aspects of machine learning and related topics. We strongly support a broad definition of learning theory, including, but not limited to:
- Theoretical foundations of
- supervised learning
- unsupervised learning
- semi-supervised learning
- deep learning
- active learning
- concept drift
- natural language processing
- neuroinformatics
- generalization bounds
- optimization methods
- computational complexity of learning
- information theoretic learning
Conference is organized by Department of Machine Learning, Institute of Computer Science and Computational Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University
The journal track. Original, unpublished research papers can be submitted to this track through easychair system. They will be peer reviewed and after acceptance and presentation during the TFML conference published in Schedae Informaticae Journal.
The latebreaking talks track, which is aimed at researchers willing to present their latest work during TFML, but without publishing it in journal/proceedings. This works will still undergo peer review and have to be uploaded to arXiv and registered in the easychair system.
- What is the difference between Journal track and latebreaking track?
The only difference between those two tracks is a publication model, in each case
you submit and present your work at the conference. However, in the journal track
your work gets published in Schedae Informaticae Journal, while in latebreaking track
you only upload your work to arXiv repository. Both tracks are peer reviewed.
- Why would I choose latebreaking track instead of Journal one?
There are two main reasons, first, latebreaking track undergo lighter review
process than the journal track, as we also welcome "in progress studies" and similar ones
in latebreaking track. Furthermore, ones work might be already under review in some
other journal (or even is already accepted) and so it is not possible to publish it
twice. Such results would still qualify as a good talk at TFML, while not a good
journal track submission.
- How to submit my work to latebreaking track?
If you have not done it yet, upload your paper to arXiv repository. Once it is done,
click on the "register paper" link in the right column and complete the paper submission
form with the .pdf file from your arXiv submission.
Remember to add [arXiv] tag to your manuscript title.
- paper submission
Journal track: 10 Nov 10 Dec 2014
Latebreaking talks track: 10 Dec 2014
- decision notification -
5 8 Jan 2015
- camera ready version -
12 15 Jan 2015
- conference -
16-21 Feb 2015
- registration deadline -
20 Jan 2015
- payment deadline -
20 Jan 2015
Journal track
Papers should be prepared in English, according to the Schedae Informaticae template. Page limit (including references, and other additional materials) is
8 pages (soft limit) and a hard limit of 10 pages. Papers longer than 10 pages will be rejected without reviewing.
EasyChair submission system
is now closed.
check your paper status

All papers will be peer-reviewed. All accepted papers will be published in
Schedae Informaticae Journal
1. At least one author of each publication has to attend the conference and present it during oral/poster session.
1For Polish scientists, this journal is located on the B list of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, with 10pts.
Latebreaking talks track
If you are
not interested in publication you can still submit your talk for TFML and present your work during our conference.
Papers should be uploaded to arXiv.
submit your paper to latebreaking track and register your talk through EasyChair - simply upload arxiv's pdf file through our system and
add [arXiV] tag to yours submission's title
check your paper status
Confused about publication model? See FAQ section
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
8:00 |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
9:00 |
Plenary Lecture 2 |
Plenary Lecture 4 |
Plenary Lecture 6 |
Plenary Lecture 8 |
10:00 |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Session 1 |
Session 3 |
Session 5 |
Plenary Lecture 9 |
12:00 |
Closing |
13:00 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
14:00 |
Registration |
Plenary Lecture 3 |
Plenary Lecture 5 |
Plenary Lecture 7 |
Bus to Poznań |
15:00 |
Dinner |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
16:00 |
Opening |
Session 2 |
Session 4 |
17:00 |
Plenary Lecture 1 |
Social event |
18:00 |
Supper |
Supper |
Supper |
19:00 |
Gala dinner |
Each plenary lecture has
60 min + 10 min discussion time slot.
Plenary lectures
- Małgorzata Bogdan "SLOPE Adaptive Variable Selection via Convex Optimization"
- Eyke Hüllermeier "Online preference learning with bandit algorithms"
- Jerzy Ombach "A Short Introduction to Stochastic Optimization"
- Manuel Graña "Lattice computing for Intelligent Systems"
- Michał Woźniak "Data stream classifcation using classifer ensemble"
- Łukasz Dębowski "Hilberg's Conjecture - a Challenge for Machine Learning"
- Bernhard Geiger "Markov State Space Aggregation via the Information Bottleneck Method"
- Krzysztof Dembczyński "Decision-theoretic Approach to Multi-label Classifcation"
- Jacek Tabor "MDLP approach to clustering", Igor Podolak "Hierarchical Classification of Objects"
Each presentation at oral session has a
25 min + 5 min discussion time slot.
Session 1
- Modelling influence propagation in social networks
- Multilinear Filtering Based on a Hierarchical Structure of Covariance Matrices
- Potential Contour Ensembles
Session 2
- Incoherent Dictionary Learning For Sparse Representation In Network Anomaly Detection
- Effectiveness of Unsupervised Training in Deep Learning Neural Networks
- Analysis of compounds activity concept learned by SVM using robust Jaccard based low-dimensional embedding
Session 3
- Active Function Cross Entropy Clustering
- Subspace Memory Clustering
- Mixture of metrics optimization for machine learning problems
Session 4
- Cross entropy clustering approach to iris segmentation for biometrics purpose
- Feature Selection and Classification Pairwise Combinations for Highdimensional Tumour Biomedical Datasets
- Cross entropy based image thresholding
- Demo of gmum.R package
Session 5
- Looking for the right time to shift strategy in the exploration/exploitation dilemma
- On the consistency of Multithreshold Entropy Linear Classifier
- Fast optimization of Multithreshold Entropy Linear Classifier
- Maximum Entropy Random Walks - from theory to practise